A simple peach shrub recipe. Once infused, peach shrub makes for a perfect summer cocktail.
Once, I was a martini kind of girl. Waiting for a table at a cool restaurant, it was no big deal to toss one back. And though I do like the things, there was more than a hint of bravado in my order – obviously, I was pretty tough.
After martinis, I moved on to whiskey on the rocks. I tried ordering whiskey with ice a lot, because “rocks” felt a little silly, or maybe not up to par with my otherwise tough lady sip, but then I realized I was just being a pain in the ass for bartenders, who always misunderstood ice and really just wanted me to say rocks. So there I was, whiskey on the rocks.
Between babies and the craft cocktail revolution, my cocktail consumption ebbed. I do enjoy a fine cocktail, but not being among the initiated, I feel silly sitting somewhere fancy and asking the poor barkeep to define and explain each element in a complex comestible. There’s pressure, too. To order whiskey on the rocks in a cocktail temple would be wrong. So I gravitate toward the simple. Something strong, bitter, and bright for sure, but more than four elements leave me feeling a bit lost.
With this in mind, I’ve decided this is the year to reclaim the cocktail. I mix up batches of herbed simple syrups, smash some fruit, toss in bitters or a splash of lemon, and that’s plenty for me. I write all this in the hopes that you too will reclaim cocktails. Let’s rise up and wrest control from the hands of baroque mixologists everywhere!
And if you were looking for opposite of a schmancy cocktail, and you wanted something simple and down-home and good, surely then you would want a shrub. Shrubs vary wildly, but at their essence, they are a vinegar-based simple syrup infused with fruit. Techniques and ratios are all over the place, but for mine I went with one part sugar, one part apple cider vinegar, to two parts chopped peaches. I placed the peaches and the sugar together in a large jar and let them mingle for a day or two, I then added the vinegar, and left things for another four or so days.
The final mixture is suffused with peach fragrance, and the flavor has all the bright, faintly buttery fruit undertones you’d expect, not to mention the pleasant sourness of vinegar. My shrub was served with one part shrub, one part vodka, and two parts soda. Our guests were smitten, and so were we. Shrubs for all!
One last note on this terribly lengthy post, my shrub was inspired by Brian from A Thought for Food and The Boys Club. He demonstrated his technique at the Big Summer Potluck, and spread shrub mania like wildfire. The Big Summer Potluck is so special to me, and I was incredibly thankful to be there again this year. I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to spend a weekend surrounded by so many familiar friendly faces.
This recipe is an ideal way to use up nearly expired fruit.

A simple peach shrub recipe. Once infused, peach shrub makes for a perfect summer cocktail.
- 6 cups pitted and chopped peaches
- 3 cups granulated sugar
- 3 cups apple cider vinegar
In a large jar or other vessel with a tight-fitting lid, combine the chopped peaches and sugar. Use the back of a wooden spoon or a muddler to smash the fruit a bit. Cover and refrigerate.
After a day or two – once all the sugar has dissolved – add vinegar. Swirl a bit, cover, and set back in the fridge. After 4 or 5 days, or up to a week, taste the mixture. If it’s to your liking, that is, fruity with mellow vinegar flavor, strain out fruit with a mesh sieve and pour syrup into clean jars.
Your shrub should keep well, covered in the fridge, for three weeks.

- 1 1/2 ounces peach shrub
- 1 1/2 ounces vodka – we used Tito’s
- 3 ounces seltzer
- Peach slices for garnish
Pour shrub and vodka over ice. Add peach slices and seltzer, stir gently, serve.
I love this lookback! I, too, have moved away from cocktails, but in the last few months, have started to get inspired and intrigued by the more ingredient-driven libations. Making shrub has been high on my summer to-do list (which I’m terribly behind on). I am going to have to try this before all the peaches are gone! xo
Hi Kasey, Though you have a very good reason to be behind on your summer to-do list, I do hope you’ll get to try a shrub. They really are fantastic, and packed with homemade (boozy) goodness.
I feel like everyone has been drinking shrubs without me and this is certain proof. There’s so many things I love about them in concept, so maybe I need to run with your recipe a bit. Also, I am phasing out of my gin martini phase and BACK into bourbon on the rocks (but preferably on ice, seriously) out of a need for some simplicity too. Pour-overs and basic tipples are way more appealing nowadays. I love, love, love the colour mix in that last photo too.
Hi Laura, Club shrub wants you in it, I promise. Bourbon will always have sway, but pink and fizzy is a nice change too. Thanks for the nice words on the photo––that means a lot to me!
I have to tell you that I made this. I’m drinking it now and I love it!
Kris! I already Tweeted you about this, but I think that is so awesome. I am thrilled that you like it, and happy to feel like we’re having a cocktail together across all these miles. Cheers!
I love anything this time of year that involves peaches, these look almost too pretty to drink!
Thank you Alison! The peaches this year have been just perfect, haven’t they?
Thanks for these peach shrub and peach shrub Collins recipes. The sound like wonderful ideas for the summer.
So glad you like them.
I’ve been enjoying the use of shrubs for a couple of years; they are not new but they are certainly enjoying a comeback. At one time simply a way to preserve some of summers harvest during the winter; I love them like you do in a simple cocktail. SO many options opened up with different fruits and different vinegars!
Peaches in Colorado are at their very best; this is an inspiration of just one more way to use their bounty. As my daughter would say? Nummers!
Hi Barbara, it’s so funny how these things work, isn’t it? And my daughters have been enjoying their shrubs with seltzer too. Totally nummers.
What are your thoughts on a Lychee shrub? Would you use fresh or tin lychees?
The peaches I have are pretty fuzzy. Do you blanch and skin your peaches? Or strain everything through a fine cloth?
Hi Christian, After the shrub has co-mingled for a while, you’ll want to strain all of the fruit, skins and all, so that you’re left with a sugary syrup. For extra fuzzy peaches, I just give them a good rinse and rub off some of the fuzz under the running water. Enjoy!
This looks delicious and I am making it today, although I believe I will half the sugar.
Hi Doug, The sugar acts as a preservation for the fruit, so I can’t say how changing the recipe will affect the process. Since the end result is a syrup that you add to drinks, could you simply add a bit less? Please keep me posted on how it goes! Thanks for checking out the recipe.
i was introduced to shrub at 21C, hotel. Had a tequila mockingbird, which is made with blueberry sage shrub, tequila, and lime juice… Was soooo wonderful, I had to talk to the bartender and learn about shrub! They add a handful of sage to the fruit at the beginning of the process. I blend mine together for the sitting processes, and use white wine vinegar. I am a shrub making fool now!!! Just started a peach sage one and am going to try crab apples next, as they are falling off the tree now!!
If you haven’t tried shrub, it’s easy and sooo yummy! Use you imagination with flavors and vinegars!
This looks so good and I have a lot of peaches right now. But the party I want this for is 4weeks away, is that too long for it to sit please? Thanks!
Hi Karen,
I say, go for it! It will take up to a week for the shrub syrup to come together, and the strained syrup should keep well sealed in the fridge for 3 weeks or longer. Since it’s important that it keep well, you may want to sterilize your jars in boiling water first. The Kitchn has a method for a cooked shrub that has a less “fresh” fruit flavor, but keeps for up to 6 months: http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-a-fruit-shrub-syrup-174072 Happy shrubbing!
Karen – One more thing: Culinate has a cold-pressed shrub that they say lasts 6 months in the fridge too, so I think the timeline you outline will be great! http://www.culinate.com/articles/features/shrub_love